
16 Amazing Benefits Of Facials For Your Skin

Nothing can match the feeling you get when you glide your fingers over your face and feel that soft and milky skin. Most of you follow a daily skin care routine at home. It might not be elaborate, but it at least helps you maintain your skin. But once in a while, it’s good to let the professionals take care of your skin. Yes, I am talking about the benefits of facials. If you think that facials are nothing but a frivolous way to pamper your skin, you are wrong.A facial is a multi-step way to take 360-degree care of

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Why You Need a Hand and Foot Treatment

Your hands work all day long. They open jars, type at computers, drive cars, chop and slice, lift, hold, and touch tenderly. Working all day long with no rest can take its toll on your hands. Feet also do their fair share of work. These parts of the body work hard with very little attention or regard. A hand and foot treatment can give these essential body parts the rest and rejuvenation they need to keep working hard for you all day, every day. Relieving PainIn addition to helping you feel relaxed and relieving anxiety, a foot massage can actually

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Do Hair Loss Treatment Actually Work?

In the United States, treatments for hair loss are a $3.6 billion industry with products ranging from supplements to shampoos, laser-producing helmets, and even surgery. But do any of these treatments actually work? WHAT CAUSES HAIR LOSS?Our hair grows in a cycle with three distinct phases. First, hair grows and gets longer in the anagen phase which can go on for several years. Then, during the ~10-day catagen phase, hair stops actively growing and separates from its follicle, which is what holds the hair in place beneath the skin. Finally, in the telogen phase, the follicle goes into rest mode

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How Massage Can Heal the Body and Mind

When Amy Buttell separated from her husband in 2005, her anxiety spiked off the charts. A suddenly single mother, Buttell didn’t have a lot of money to throw around. Still, in the wake of her marital upheaval, she made massage a priority. It helped her weather the storm, she says, and today, she still finds that getting one or two massages a month helps keep stress at bay. And that helps her defend against physiological tension, too. “When I’m anxious, I feel all clenched up,” says the 49-year-old marketing communications director from Erie, Pa. “My massage therapist untangles my knots.”

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